Xavier University’s Academic Calendar: A Comprehensive Guide

Xavier University’s Academic Calendar: A Comprehensive Guide


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Xavier University’s Academic Calendar: A Comprehensive Guide

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Xavier University, a private Jesuit university located in Cincinnati, Ohio, has a rich academic tradition dating back to 1831. The university’s academic calendar plays a crucial role in organizing and scheduling the various academic activities throughout the year. This comprehensive guide provides an in-depth overview of Xavier University’s academic calendar, including key dates, deadlines, and important events.

Academic Year Structure

Xavier University follows a semester-based academic calendar, with two semesters per academic year. The academic year typically begins in late August and concludes in early May.

  • Fall Semester: August to December
  • Spring Semester: January to May

Key Dates and Deadlines

Fall Semester

  • Classes Begin: Late August
  • Add/Drop Period: First two weeks of classes
  • Midterm Break: Mid-October
  • Thanksgiving Break: Late November
  • Final Exams: Early December

Spring Semester

  • Classes Begin: Mid-January
  • Add/Drop Period: First two weeks of classes
  • Spring Break: Mid-March
  • Easter Break: April (if applicable)
  • Final Exams: Early May

Important Events


Convocation is an annual ceremony held at the beginning of each academic year to welcome new students to the university. It is a time for students to connect with faculty, staff, and fellow students, and to learn about the university’s mission and values.

Midterm and Final Exams

Midterm and final exams are scheduled throughout the semester to assess students’ progress and understanding of the course material. Students are expected to prepare thoroughly for these exams and to attend all scheduled exam sessions.

Break Periods

Xavier University provides several break periods throughout the academic year, including midterm break, Thanksgiving break, spring break, and Easter break (if applicable). These breaks allow students to rest, recharge, and spend time with family and friends.

Academic Advising

Academic advising is an essential component of the Xavier University experience. Students are assigned an academic advisor who provides guidance and support throughout their academic journey. Students are encouraged to meet with their advisors regularly to discuss course selection, academic progress, and career goals.


Registration for the upcoming semester typically opens several weeks before the end of the current semester. Students are responsible for registering for their courses on time and meeting all course prerequisites.


Students may withdraw from a course during the add/drop period or with the approval of the instructor and department chair. Withdrawals after the add/drop period may result in a grade of "W" or "WF" on the transcript.


Graduation ceremonies are held twice a year, in December and May. Students who have completed all degree requirements are eligible to participate in graduation.

Additional Information

  • The academic calendar is subject to change. Students are advised to consult the university’s official website for the most up-to-date information.
  • Students who have questions or concerns about the academic calendar should contact the Office of the Registrar.
  • The university offers a variety of academic support services to help students succeed, including tutoring, writing centers, and counseling services.


Xavier University’s academic calendar provides a structured framework for the delivery of academic programs and services. By understanding the key dates, deadlines, and important events outlined in this guide, students can plan their academic journey effectively and make the most of their time at Xavier University.

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